I finished screencapping “Smoke” and “The Good Shepherd”.  I’ve got to confess that “Smoke” really helped me.  I’m going through a bit of a rough spot. I love September to December, probably my favorite time of the year, and I told myself this year I would savour ever second because it goes so fast. However, some occurences have reared their not so pleasant heads trying
to spoil those intentions.  Making the pictures from “Smoke” really helped. It reminded me of what a good film it is and how William Hurt gives a really outstanding performance. 

I know that Hurt’s work as Richie in “A History of Violence” is often heralded because it is so different from his usual characters but in a very strong way Paul Benjamin is equally diverse, or at least William Hurt makes him different. Of course, the man is able to do that with any character he decides to tackle but I’m focusing on Paul at the moment. I love the way Paul methodically moves,  giving the impression of slightly bent shoulders as if he really has been sitting for a long time in an uncomfortable chair, working on a book that isn’t coming together. Or the way that he occassionaly scratches his leg. I love the little touches like that. Not to mention the heartbreaking scene where Paul sees a certain photograph from Auggie’s marvelously strange hobby. I’m not too fussy on Paul kicking Rashid out of the apartment but, hey, what great character doesn’t make a few goof ups and needs to learn something?

William Hurt is a delight in “Smoke”.